Cloud Storage

Free cloud online storage solutions comparison table (updated as of 2018/05/29)

Storage free

Additional Free space

File Size limit Referal program

Cloud applications

Sync software Phone Apps Versioning # of devices Special
OneDrive 5GB 10GB none Yes Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
GoogleDrive  15GB 5TB none Yes Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited Google photos unlimited storage for photos and  videos 10GB 50GB total 250MB none Yes Win, Mac iOS, Android Unlimited
Dropbox 2GB up tp 890mb link 20GB none Yes Win, Mac, Linux iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
Amazon 5GB 48.82GB (2GB on web) none Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
iDriveSync 5GB +1GB this link  (up to 20GB) unlimited (200mb web) 1GB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
MediaFire 10GB 20GB
Apple iCloud  5GB  15GB none Win, Mac iOS Yes Unlimited activates with iOS device only
LESS KNOW SERVICES (not updated)
Comodo Cloud Storage 5GB 200MB 2GB Win iOS, Android Yes
Minus 10GB  +1GB (through this link)
Synform up to 200GB
Glide 30GB unlimited none Win, Mac, Linux iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
CX 10GB unlimited 300MB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
4Shared 15GB
Memopal 3GB 5GB 500MB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
SafeCopy 3GB 5GB 500MB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
TeamDrive 2GB unlimited 250MB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
mimedia 7GB 3GB 200MB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
HiDrive 5GB 2GB 500MB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
Spideroak 2GB unlimited 1GB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
MegaCloud 5GB unlimited 500MB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
Wuala 5GB 14GB 250MB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited
Synplicity 2GB unlimited 1GB Win, Mac iOS, Android Yes Unlimited Computer mount storage

How to mount account to computer:

PC (Windows 7) Instructions:
1.) Open Explorer (My Computer) and click Map Network Drive
2.) Choose a Drive Letter and enter the following in the Folder line:
3.) Check “Reconnect on Login” and Check “Connect Using different credentials”
4.) Hit Finish
5.) Give it a few minutes, it will eventually ask you for a username and password. Enter your username and password, check Remember Password and hit OK.
6.) Profit! (It will show up in My Computer as another drive like your harddrive.)

Mac Instructions:
1.) In the Mac Finder select the GO menu then choose Connect to Server (Or Command-K).
2.) Put in the address:
3.) When it prompts, put in your username as your name and your password in the password field.