Free Carfax

Free Car Vin Check like Carfax or Autocheck

  1. Do Google Search for  “dealer autocheck inurl:vin
  2. Click first result that is not an ad. (Also skip forums and blogs that talk about this trick.)
  3. URL will look something like:

    Replace LONG_VIN_NUMBER with your own car or motorcycle VIN:

    (No spaces. This is only an example.)

  4. Hit Enter, or copy/paste the new address into a new window and hit Enter. If it does not work, use the next dealer website URL that comes up in search.

If you would like a 3rd-party website to do all this for you, then try

Salvage titles are known to generate errors with this method.

To perform a basic check of whether your car has been reported stolen or has a salvage title, use this VINcheck tool.